[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Welcome Praxair!  Thanks for taking an interest in our NASCAR racing platform.  To view our Marketing Deck please click the image below.  I hope you enjoy learning about NASCAR’s National Reach, Engaged fanbase, and Attractive ROI.

Many Fortune 500 companies  partner with NASCAR teams to reinforce their brand and engage the large NASCAR fan base for Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C) opportunities.  Praxair, as one of the largest welding, industrial, medical and specialty gases companies has great overlap with our core fan base and business partners.

I have included a link to a presentation our team created  for Praxair that elaborates on this idea. It explains our platform, where your branding can be on a car for a couple hundred miles and hours of heavily watched television, the national reach of NASCAR, Demographics, and ROI.

Most importantly, we have consulted with NASCAR and believe we will be able to present you with tangible opportunities to increase your business with our current partners (the power of NASCAR B2B relationships).  We believe a Praxair/NASCAR partnership is very attractive and will be mutually beneficial.

So please enjoy the presentation.  Our goal is to show you the power of a partnership with NASCAR, one of its rising stars, and the benefits Praxair will gain.


Joe Graf Jr                NASCAR Xfinity Driver | [email protected] | 201-290-6322

Nathan Blasdell       Business Development/Social Media | [email protected] | 1-800-931-4779

Joe Graf Sr.               Business Development/PR | [email protected] | 1-800-931-4779

Click the Picture below to view our Praxair presentation.

